Saturday, November 2, 2013

3 year Checkup

Shea and Wes had their 3 year check up with Dr. Betsy.  Wes was 40" tall and weighed 40 lbs.  He was only sick twice in the last year - so pretty healthy kids.  Shea was 38" tall and 27 lbs.  Shea also only got sick twice in the last year (both times ear infections).  They are growing fast.  They still eat just about everything - pepper jack cheese (or spicy cheese as they call it), avocado, oranges, apples, celery, carrots, salad with ranch, chicken and rice, goldfish, fruit snacks, juice, milk, etc.  They know so many words and have an extensive vocabulary and are good with their sentences.  They love to build forts, play trains, scooter, play in their cozy coupes, go the park, go on hikes, color, do puzzles, play the tablet, etc. 

They had their first teacher conferences at preschool.  Shea's teacher Miss Kris said that Shea has settled into their routine, plays well with the other kids, and is very loving.  Wes' teacher Miss Aimee's said that Wes is very bright and plays well with the other kids and is a good helper.  They are always excited to go to preschool and Wes loves showing me his papers when he gets home. 

We are also trying to figure out if we need naps or not.  Wes does - She does not.  Wes loves his sleep (just like his mom!).  If Shea takes a nap she stays up forever in her room playing and talking and singing (it is so cute to listen to!!).

Merry Go Round - this is the only park we have been to that has a Merry Go Round and this is the first time on the new one - the old one was just like the ones I went on as a child - metal!  I love that Omaha has so many parks and exploring different ones with Shea and Wes.

Soccer - Shea and Wes' season came to an end on 10/26.  They played great and Wes is even a little "aggressive" now in playing - can't wait to see what the spring brings

Chalco Fun!!

Looking at the Owl's at Chalco


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