Pajama Day for Shea at Preschool:
Shea was Star of the Week at Preschool:
Insect Day at Preschool for Wes:
Wes had insect day at preschool. I tried to find a plastic one at the store take - but no such luck (of course I could find them after the fact). So we always have lots of praying mantis' around our house. On Monday night I saw one out back but didn't think I would be able to keep it alive until Thursday. So on Wednesday night Wes, Shea and I went out to look for another one (Rob was at a continuing Ed class). So of course we could only find this huge one that I just scooped into a container real quick. Everyone in Wes's Class loved it!! We returned him to his home once we were done with him :)
Arbor Gate Park Play
More Chalco Park Fun:
So this was an art idea from Pinterest. This is the first time we did it. And I can't believe I am going to admit this but it did not turn out the way it was supposed to (not that Shea and Wes knew anything was wrong - they painted and had fun). The recipe calls for corn starch and I bought corn meal instead - so as you can imagine - it was lumpy. The second time was much better and actually makes awesome paint that dries like sidewalk chalk and Shea and Wes love helping to make it.
Playing with Ticklers!
Swim Lessons
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