Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shea's First Doctors Appointment 6-13-11

Wes was supposed to have a follow appointment for his ears and Shea had been pulling on her ear so I decided to make them an appointment.  I called Monday morning and tried to get in at 4:30 so Rob could pick them up and I could meet them there.  No such luck - so my first solo doctors appointment with 2 babies followed.  And needless to say we survived just fine (although I will admit it is bit of a work getting two active babies stripped down to diapers to get weighed in and then redressed when done). There is also no room for a stroller so the juggling to babies, diaper bag, and purse is tested to the max.  Wes checked out with a perfect bill of health and yet again is proofing he loves to eat - 22 lbs 5 oz - gained over a lb in 2.5 weeks.  Shea didn't want to be left behind on having her first ear infection and was prescribed amoxicillan which is what Wes had had.  Shea weighed in at 15 lbs 3 oz's. I also I should invest in a roll of dr's table paper - it definitely keeps them entertained.   Here are some pics from the doctors office and some randoms of Shea from this last week - and again some are sideways - just turn your computer screen ;).

Shea in her new outfit from Grandma Raylene and Grandpa Mike

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