Friday, October 15, 2010

10-13-10 and 10-14-10


The nurses made a scrapbook page for Wes and Shea today.  They also did their foot prints and hand prints.  Its crazy to see how big Wes's are in comparison to Shea's.    Aunt Jenny came up to see the kiddo's and Grandma Bonnie stopped by today.  Shea & Wes continued with their normal feedings.  Wes has become more awake which is nice.  As Rob says, its like we have  a real baby now :)  As of 10-13-10,  Wes weighs 6 lbs 2 oz's (so he is finally above his birth weight) and Miss Shea weighs 3 lbs 13 oz's which is just awesome (3 more oz's and she will be at 4 lbs - I am hoping she will be there by the end of the week).


Wes has done awesome today with breast feeding - so far for his first three feedings he has only had 1/2 a feeding through his tube.  He is awake a lot more which helps him to eat orally.  Shea has slept a lot today and has had all her feedings by tube.  We do not push her at all as we know that currently she needs all the rest she can get to continue growing!!  Wes's feedings stayed the same and Shea's was increased from 33 ml to 34 ml.  Today over lunch the whole Ekborg Family came up and had lunch with us in the  cafeteria - it was such a nice break!!  We then took our "walk" with them and it was so much fun and an absolutely beautiful day for a walk :).  I had my 2 week follow up appointment today and Dr. Martin said everything looks great!!  I can now drive and walk etc (no sit ups though).  I go back in 4 weeks and he is hoping to see me with the babies at the next appointment.  I am hoping they both will be home by then!!

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