Today was a great morning! When we arrived back at the hospital - Wes was still in a crib!! It is so nice to just sit and listen to him now. He makes a lot of noises!! It is hard to truly interact or even just get a gage for them when they are in the isolette. It is also nice to be able to hold him more. When they are in the isolette we try not to bother them much (just feedings, diapers, temps) as they need all their strength to concentrate on growing.
Wes getting ready for his start to the day (diaper, temp, feeding - 8 a.m.) |
Wes in his big boy crib |
Wes & Dad |
Wes & Dad |
And we have more awesome news - Shea did not spit up last night! It is so crazy how the smallest things make us so excited now!! If either of them spits up now they will have stomach x-rays. Shea's came back normal yesterday, but with preemies they can turn on a dime so the doctors are overly cautious which we appreciate. The doctor also mentioned that Shea will most likely be in an isolette for at least another 1.5 weeks. If they were to move her now she might be able to maintain her temp, but she would not be able to do that AND gain weight and grow. So therefore it is more important for her to grow. After that time, they will reassess and see if she would be able to do both outside of the isolette. Wes is continuing to do well at breast feeding - now if we can just sustain it for longer periods of time. Grandma Raylene stopped by to visit Shea and Wes today. Shea also got her 2nd bath today and Mom and Dad did 90% of it :)
Grandma Raylene & Wes |
Shea after her 2nd bath |
Wes is up to 5 lbs 12.7 oz's and Shea is at 3 lbs 7 oz's so she is above her birth weight. Hopefully they both keep gaining!! Shea & Wes would also like to thank
cousins Connor, Chloe, Will, and Jed for the dog miss you cards they made. They really like the dogs on them. Wes and Shea can't wait to get home and
finally meet all of their cousins!!!
Cards from Connor, Chloe, Will & Jed |
Rob and I also went for a walk today around the hospital. It is so beautiful out here - they have incredible landscaping and then the surrounding neighborhood has 3 ponds (2 with fountains) close to the hospital. The walk is about 20 minutes. We plan on doing it every day around lunch time!! It is just nice to get out and get some fresh air and the babies are sleeping at that time. We also just truly feel blessed to both be able to be here now with our babies every day. It is a once in a lifetime experience and I can't imagine not having Rob by my side to share it with. I also can't wait for us to get them home and to continue having time together as a family before life starts again :)
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