Saturday, February 18, 2012

February 2011

Shea and Wes have had a very busy February.  Rob went back to work for the Union as a Plumber.  He is currently at Mainelli.  So Shea and Wes have had more Mom time and have been going to daycare about 2 half days a week.  We have also continued to do PE 101 a couple times with the help of Aunt Laura and are going to continue that as Shea and Wes really like it.  We also played in the snow.  The first time was not very successful and took longer to get ready than play.  The second time Wes really liked sledding and Shea liked to "walk" in the snow.  Shea and Wes continue to love to climb on everything, they love to dance, and know what "music" means and where it comes from (the radio and tv).  It is also not very easy to take pictures of them any more - they are always on the go!!  They also love to do puzzles now and are getting good at putting "shapes" in the correct spot.  They are becoming a little more picky at eating but love strawberries, kiwi, avocado, pizza, grill cheeses just to name a few things.  They still have also never had pop or candy (except when Rob & I were in Mexico) and I hope to keep it that way for as long as I can :). 

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