Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2013 Begins

We spent New Years Eve at Steve and Jordan's to watch the Cyclone game.  Shea and Wes had fun playing with Cousin Hank.  Will and Jillian were also there so it was lots of fun and plenty of entertainment from the kids :)  

O 1/5/13 we took Shea and Wes to see Sesame Street Live - Elmo Can't Stop Singing - they loved it.  I am so glad we took them!!

We are back to swimming lessons on Monday's and Shea and Wes love them.  We were off for two weeks and then Shea had a cold so we skipped last week.  Shea and Wes both did an awesome job last night and are getting good at putting their heads under water on their own and blow bubbles in the water.  They continue to perfect their colors, their counting (to 8), their identification of letters (Wes is awesome at this) and their singing.  We are also signed up for fall preschool - They will be going on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. - I can not believe that by the end of this year they will be 3 and in preschool.  Shea is doing a decent job with potty training and hopefully in the next two months they will both be 100% potty trained (Wes just has some #2 accidents here and there).  Looking forward to an incredible 2013!!