Tuesday, March 20, 2012

17 month pictures

We had the great pleasure of winning a mini photo session from the wonderfully talented Catherine Bosley of Bosley Creative - www.bosleycreative.com.  She did an amazing job - if anyone reading this is looking for a photographer - she is amazing!!  Here are some pics from our session.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 1st 2012, - 17 months old

Shea and Wes are growing like weeds.  They are at such a fun age.  Shea and Wes now know their feet, hands, nose, eyes, mouth, bellies, and belly buttons!!  Shea also likes to do "where is thumbkin" (which by the way Rob used to always make fun of me for singing).  Shea and Wes still love to Dance.  They always want the t.v. on (which we don't do that often) so they can dance.  They also love to go downstairs know where Rob will blast the music and they will run all over playing.